Erectile Dysfunction is a Common Sexual Condition that Affects Millions of men Worldwide

Penis sizes are at about 5.08 inches to 5.9 inches. Everyone keen to know what the exact and standard size of penis of a man in the world which is more suitable for sex with mutual partner. But there are a lot of differences in penis sizes in the world. Some of penis is too many short and some of them are very big then the lower size case penis. Now you don't to get worried if your penis size is much smaller and you have to face shame for its smaller sizes. Any size that is smaller than that range could be ashamed of by any man. Talk about embarrassing locker room situations. It is not surprising how men who are gifted with bigger ‘assets’ almost always readily show to other men their huge penises as a form of self-flattery.

Those with smaller sizes could only wish to have their penises grow several inches more in length and in girth. There is truly an obsession about penis sizes. Myth and stereotypes mostly point to bigger organs. In general, national penis average size is about 6 inches. But because many men want to grow bigger penises, many penis enlargement methods are now being employed. Penile enlargement now seems natural among men, just as many women are obsessed about breast enlargement.

Men should understand more about penis sizes. Logically, men are born with equal sizes. The growth in penis starts during the puberty stage of boys. Some boys take early adolescence at about the age of 11 while some come later at about the age of 15. Thus, when the adolescence period sets in, no boys could take the same size at the same time. However, many teens are not able to grow their sizes bigger. When this happens, there could be insecurities about sizes that could be carried over on until adulthood. Do small penises really exist? Of course, they do. You probably have heard about micro penises. Having a micro penis is a condition when the penis fails to undergo normal and optimal growth. In general, in such cases, erect penises could only measure up to 2 inches. It is estimated that about 0.6% of men are identified with the condition. Such men could also suffer at the same time with lower self esteem and self confidence especially when dealing with women and using the male locker rooms and urinals.

The possible cause of micro penis could be traced as far back to conception at the mother’s womb. Scientific studies suggest that men with micro penises could have suffered as fetuses in testosterone deficiency especially during their moms’ second and third trimester of pregnancy. Lack of enough testosterone during the stage could result to stunting in the growth of the penis, which could unfortunately be carried out until adulthood. Small penises need not be a problem anymore. Latest advances in medical technology could pose different remedies and solutions to the condition. If you definitely want to increase urn penis size, then it’s time to employ VigRx plus pills.

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